
Photo From a Former Student, Eric Macy

Greenland Kayak

Eric made this during the 2012-2013 school year.


Getting Ready for Summer School Workshop

The 'lighting round'.  This year, during the regular Summer School, but separate from, I am doing a one-week session where a maximum of four boats will be made.  Because of the time constraints, I am doing a lot of the tedious, time -consuming milling of parts before the session starts in July. Gunwales are soaking, and I'm setting up all the forms, as well as cranking out the octagonal stringers.


Wrap Up

Steve Ross's Oxford Shell, rigged and ready to row.

TJ Lindsay varnishing the framework of his 'Berkshire Canoe'.

TJ heads for Penn State this fall; he decorated his boat's
skin with the lion logo.

Though we only made four boats this year, it was a very successful batch.  With fewer students, 'quality control' was easier, and I was able to give more individual attention.  All the boats are very well crafted with few 'boo-boo's' along the way.  We've decided, in general, that "less is more" when it comes to the strength of the dye on the canvas. We diluted the dye a lot this year, yielding more subtle, very transparent colors.

John DiCaros's skin-on-frame canoe.