

Charlie Shugrue

Chesapeake LT 17

Enjoying the sun

Lawlor Coe in his sea kayak

Spencer Karls

Rev. Lewis in his sailboat

Jimmy Skiff, built by Jesse Langer '11

CLC Jimmy Skiff

This turned out to be almost a harder job to paint than to build.  I went together very quickly (we worked within the school schedule of 4 x 45 minutes plus 1 x 75 minute block.   We learned, first and foremost, that if you are nor going to do a carefully neat job with the epoxy fillets, you'd better be resigned to a lot of  rasping and sanding in tight places.

Nevertheless, it came out looking pretty good and is a nice little boat. This is a 'stitch-and-glue' kit from Chesapeake Light Craft.

The boat behind is, of course, one of our skin-on-frame boats with a silver-grey acid dye, coated with the Skinboat Store's 2-part polyurethane and ash rub rails.



Down to the wire

These photos are only slightly out of date, but things are moving quickly.  The white boat (for now) is fully skinned, and waiting for dye and shrinking.  The skiff is right-side-up and fully painted -awaiting oarlocks.  The kayak is rigged with deck lines and hatch straps.

Looks like all the boats will be ready for launching on the 31st of May.