Today was so beautiful; I took a trip down the Housatonic, from Ashley Falls at Rannapo Road, to the dam and Great Falls in Falls Village. Left the car at the falls, and Amy dropped me off at the start of my run. The river was moving pretty fast, and I did nearly nine miles in one hour and forty minutes.
Just after I put into the water I spotted a Great Blue Heron. He stood on the far bank as I paddled by. The big excitement of the run was the old, failed dam in Canaan (I believe it is called the Hefter Dam). I’d been through this before in a kayak, but never in my skin-on-frame boat. Today there was a two foot tall standing wave that tossed the bow pretty high. I got through upright, but took on 3 inches of water, so I pulled over to the bank to empty out.
The rest of the trip was beautiful but uneventful. The water going over the falls was pretty spectacular.